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Bamboo Silica
Vitality Nutritionals
Bamboo Silica
120 Capsules - Silicon - the mineral for beauty and youth

Silicon for beauty and health

Silicon is the most common element on the earth after oxygen. The name “silicon” originates from the Latin “silica” that is associated with “silex”, which means “stone” or “rock”. In Germany, silicon is also known as silicic acid, or silica.

Silicon does not only support beautiful hair and strong nails. It is also indispensable for strong bones, healthy joint cartilage and a firm connective tissue.

Silicon is a unique trace element that improves not only strength but also elasticity. It is contained in certain rocks but can also be found in all plants and is responsible for their strength and flexibility. For example, bamboo would not be so pliable and strong at the same time without its high silicon content; a blade of grass would not stand up without silicon.

Silicon is also crucial for us humans because it is a key element for the formation of collagen, which is necessary for the entire body structure. That's why it is an essential mineral for the human body. Most silicon can be found in the connective tissue of the skin, bones, nails and hair.

Why do we need silicon?

Silicon significantly affects the appearance of the body because it

  • ensures a firm connective tissue
  • promotes the moisture content for the skin
  • ensures pure, young looking skin
  • strengthens fingernails
  • promotes hair growth
  • makes hair stronger and shinier
  • promotes healthy, firm gums
  • is a natural anti-aging mineral

Silicon also plays an essential role on the inside of the body because it

  • supports the formation of strong, elastic bones
  • accelerates wound healing
  • keeps the arteries elastic
  • strengthens the immune system
  • supports the absorption of other mineral substances
  • promotes detoxification of the body

Silicon ensures a strong connective tissue

Connective tissue runs through our entire body. It is contained not only in the skin but is also part of the cartilage, discs, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments.

Silicon is essential for connective tissue metabolism because it is involved in the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Elastin ensures elasticity and collagen ensures connective tissue strength, and together they promote firm connective tissue. Thanks to these firming properties, they prevent the formation of cellulite, which is observed in many women already at a young age.

Silicon also supports the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans that play a key role in moisture retention. The higher water content also promotes the transfer of nutrients to the cells and the elimination of waste products. Thanks to the increased nutrient supply, silicon activates the metabolism of connective tissue allowing the cells to remain functional and regenerate better.

If there is too little silicon, the connective tissue dries out. This is evident not only by the wrinkling of the outer skin layer. The connective tissue inside of the body is affected as well.

All metabolic processes in the body run at a lower level due to the reduced water content of the connective tissue. Nutrient supply to the cells is reduced, cell toxins accumulate and proteins are deposited in the connective tissue, which can lead to hardening. Cell division decreases, the cartilage in the joints becomes thinner, ligaments and tendons become weaker, arteries lose elasticity and bones become more brittle. In general, silicon deficiency speeds up biological aging of the whole body.

Silicon supports the health of the connective tissue by

  • stimulating the formation of elastic collagen fibers
  • promoting the activity of connective tissue cells
  • supporting cell division
  • optimizing the water balance of the cells

Silicon for firm, elastic skin

Together with the minerals zinc and sulfur, silicon is essential for functional, young looking skin. It ensures beautiful, smooth skin in several ways and should be the integral part of an anti-aging program.

Silicon supports the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which makes skin elastic and firm. It also increases the moisture content of the connective tissue making the skin look younger, firmer and more toned. Silica also stimulates the metabolism allowing skin cells to rapidly regenerate and renew.

This way silicon delays skin aging and premature wrinkles and makes wilted, flabby skin look younger and firmer again.

Sufficient supply of silicon to the connective skin tissue promotes wound healing and lets abrasions or cuts heal faster. Also, acne, skin irritation and skin blemishes occur less often on healthy, intact skin or subside more quickly. Silica can also help revert eczema and psoriasis.

Silicon supports healthy, young looking skin by

  • supporting the formation of collagen and ensuring firm connective tissue
  • promoting the moisture content of the skin
  • delaying the formation of wrinkles
  • promoting the skin's metabolism

Silicon for beautiful hair and strong fingernails

Silicon is best known for its ability to make fingernails harder and hair thicker and shinier. In fact, silica is one of the crucial building blocks for healthy nails and strong hair.

Signs of a silicon deficiency can be:

  • brittle nails without shine
  • soft fingernails that break easily
  • nails covered with stains or grooves
  • dull, thin, non-bouncy hair
  • slow-growing hair
  • increased hair loss

As soon as silicon deficiency is made up, the condition of the hair and nails quickly improves. The hair structure becomes stronger, the hair gets the shine back, hair loss stops and hair growth is stimulated by better supply of nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.

Finger- and toenails become stronger and shinier and grow more quickly because the nail bed is supplied with more vital nutrients.

Silicon as anti-aging mineral

People's appearance is the reflection of their health and their age. People with beautiful, smooth skin, strong, voluminous hair and strong fingernails always seem younger than their actual biological age.

Thanks to its far-reaching beauty effect, silicon can truly live up to its reputation as anti-aging mineral if it is present in sufficient quantities in the body.

In most individuals, the first signs of aging can be seen starting from 40 years of age. However, with a sufficient supply of silica you can fight aging and look younger longer.

Silicon for strong bones

Silicon is very important for building stable, elastic bones because it promotes calcium deposits in bones and increases the production of collagen connective tissue fibers.

Silica supports the mineralization process by improving the effects of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron, which are important for normal bone development. At the same time, silicon also has a very positive effect on bone mineral density and overall bone health.

This can be important for women going through menopause, where they are prone to injuries to the hips and spine because the bones lose strength and elasticity due to calcium deficiency.

By strengthening the musculoskeletal system, silicon can prevent injuries and have positive influence on the healing of bones. That's why people that are at risk of osteoporosis or already suffer from this disease should take a sufficient supply of silicon.

Silicon supports bone health by

  • supporting bone mineralization
  • promoting bone strength and elasticity
  • promoting bone healing

Silicon supports the formation of joint cartilage

A healthy cartilage has a very good high-pressure elasticity thanks to its high content of collagen fibers and intracellular water content. If the water content and the formation of collagen in the cartilage are reduced, the cartilage layer becomes thinner and more brittle, like a dried-out riverbed. The cartilage layer of the joints can no longer attenuate impacts from the movements, which leads to joint pain.

Silica helps nutrients such as chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid accumulate in the cartilage. These nutrients control the water content of the cartilage and promote the formation of collagen fibers. People who suffer from arthritis can support the development of cartilage by taking a sufficient supply of silicon in addition to joint health supporting nutrients such as glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Silicon protects from aluminum

We constantly absorb aluminum with food, water, vaccines, and due to the pollution. If the body is unable to excrete aluminum, it will be stored in the tissue. Sufficient amounts of silicon in the body can protect against aluminum deposits and help get rid of them.

Aluminum deposits in the brain increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's. A sufficient supply of silicon may therefore prevent Alzheimer's or help with the existing condition.

In a study with rats (1), it was examined how the supply of silicon affects the increased absorption of aluminum with food. At the end of the study it was found that aluminum content in the brain, spleen, liver and bone was significantly lower in those rats that were simultaneously receiving silicon with drinking water. At the same time, the excretion of aluminum with urine in this group was also extremely low. This led to the conclusion that silicon inhibits the absorption of aluminum in the gastrointestinal tract. This finding could be important for the protection against the neurological effects of aluminum.

Silicon improves the absorption of minerals

Silica also helps restore general health because it plays an essential role in the absorption of nutrients from food. It improves the functioning of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron in the body.

As we grow older, silica deficiency can be a cause of a weakened digestive system. Silica can heal ulcers and protect from them. Bamboo silica can also be helpful in washing out toxins, which are a result of a bad digestion of food, from the gastrointestinal tract and therefore help the body better absorb nutrients from food.

Silicon for the immune system

Silicon can also help reduce inflammation and heal all those diseases associated with the immune system as it stimulates the formation of defense cells and phagocytes. The body needs these cells to keep bacteria, viruses and fungi in check and to eliminate them. That's why a sufficient supply of silicon can greatly improve the immune system.

Silicon and blood vessels

Blood vessels are also made of connective tissue, and silicon promotes their elasticity, permeability and strength as well. In fact, the arteries of healthy people contain up to 14 times more silicon than the arteries of people suffering from heart disease.

It is believed that silicon in blood vessels can reduce the formation of calcium deposits (atherosclerosis). In addition, silicon might be helpful in reducing blood fats and cholesterol.

Stiff and inflexible blood vessels increase the risk of high blood pressure. This also affects the entire blood circulation reducing the oxygen and nutrient supply of the body. This can cause various symptoms such as angina and circulatory disorders.

For whom is silicon particularly important?

Silicon is particularly important for people with

  • thin, feeble hair
  • soft or brittle fingernails
  • weak connective tissue
  • osteoporosis and low bone mineral density
  • osteoarthritis
  • slow healing wounds

Can you satisfy the demand of silicon with food?

Certain types of vegetables such as potato, onion and beets have high silica content. Large amounts of silicon are also contained in grains like oats, millet and barley but only if you eat whole grains since silicon is located in the outer shell.

The absorption of silicon is strongly hindered by the high fiber content of vegetables and grains because silicon is bound by cellulose contained therein. With age, silicon is also absorbed less well in the intestine as the production of the needed digestive enzymes in the intestine decreases.

The use of artificial fertilizers may interfere with the absorption of silicon from the soil into the plant, and because of monoculture some soils contain very little silicon.

That's why the actual absorption of silicon is often much less than we assume although in theory the food that we take contains sufficient quantities of silicon.

Does silicon have any side effects or interactions?

Silicon is very well tolerated, and there are currently no signs of side effects or interactions. Any excesses of silicon will simply be excreted with urine or stool.

How much silicon do you need every day?

Our body metabolizes silicic acid constantly, which consumes about 10 to 40 mg of silicon daily. This amount is used for skin regeneration, repair processes in the body and the nail and hair growth, or is lost with urine and stool. That's why this is the minimum amount of silicon that should be supplied with food.

Silicic acid capsules or silica tablets usually contain between 50 and 200 mg of silicon. Those with a higher dosage are also intended to replenish the body's silicon deposits. Silicon is also suitable for long-term use.

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