Carb-X allows you for the first time to eat really fattening foods, e.g. pastries, without gaining an ounce. By taking Carb-X shortly before any meal, you block both the contained starches (flour) and sugars. This keeps you in the fat burning zone throughout the day and lets you lose weight in a healthy, simple manner.
Carb-X - the revolutionary, 100% vegetable-based carbohydrate-blocker
An increasing number of scientific studies demonstrate that predominantly the wrong carbohydrates, not only the fats in our foods, are to blame for people getting fat.
It is, however, not easy to avoid foods, like bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, muesli or pastries. If you want to achieve a great body or get a six-pack but don't want to miss out on carbohydrate-rich foods, you will find Carb Blocker to be an ideal solution.
Energy-supplier or fat-producer?
Carbohydrates deliver important energy to the brain and muscles. They provide fuel for strength and performance in both everyday life and sports. Carbohydrates are, however, also one of the main causes for the growing number of overweight people.
If we eat the wrong or an excess amount of carbohydrates, the body reacts by releasing unnaturally high levels of the fattening hormone Insulin. This hormone is so powerful that it stops all fat burning and, while active, makes us grow fatter. Hence, losing body fat means controlling the release of Insulin during every meal.
Carb-X tricks carbohydrates
Diets low in carbohydrates work by releasing only small amounts of the fattening hormone Insulin. They are unfortunately also very hard to stick to in the long run.
That led to the development of Carb-X. It is a new, revolutionary 100% vegetable-based carbohydrate-blocker. Carb-X blocks the resorption of starches from carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, potatos, rice, muesli, pasta, cornflakes, chips and pastries.
Contrary to regular starch-blockers, Carb-X also reduces sugar's effects on our fat metabolism. This makes Carb-X ideal for reducing the full spectrum of carbohydrates - from starch to sugar - in your nutrition without having to miss out on your favorite dishes.
How does Carb-X work?
Carb-X combines White Kidneybean Extract und Fenugreek Seed Powder, the only two scientifically tested carbohydrate- and sugar-blockers, into a powerful formula.
White Kidneybean Extract blocks the enzyme Alpha-Amylase. Inside the intestines, this enzyme breaks down starch into glucose. The body can only resorb glucose; undigested starch is excreted just like fiber. Regular starch-blockers, however, show no effect if meals contain sugar.
Carb-X addresses this problem by adding the sugar-blocker Fenugreek Seed Powder, gained from the Fenugreek-plant. This allows Carb-X to avoid any drastic increases in blood sugar levels and thus the release of Insulin.
Carb-X allows you for the first time to eat really fattening foods, e.g. pastries, without gaining an ounce. By taking Carb-X shortly before any meal you block both the contained starches (flour) and sugars. This keeps you in the fat burning zone throughout the day and lets you lose weight in a healthy, simple manner.
How many pounds (kilos) can one lose?
Human studies have proven that White Kidneybean Extract blocks the absorption of calories from starch-containing foods up to 66%. Participants in a one-month study lost an average of 5.94 lbs (2.7 kg) and 10% body fat.
Some participants were able to achieve even more remarkable results and lost even more weight. All this was possible without the use of any specific diet. We still recommend staying away from excessive amounts of foods rich in starch and sugar while using Carb-X.
Can the effects be increased?
Any weight loss can be additionally increased by reducing the intake of animal or heated fats and oils. If this is not possible, it makes sense to combine Carb-X with a fat-blocker. Both can be taken at the same time, shortly before a meal. This lets you enjoy your pasta Alfredo without the associated guilt trip.
Whenever you eat healthy fats, e.g. avocados, nuts or olive oil, do not use a fat-blocker as these fats actually help you lose weight. Regular exercise activates your metabolism and helps you reach your ideal weight more rapidly.
If you want to further stimulate fat burning, Carb-X may be combined with fat-burners. Fat-burners' effects are actually doubled when Insulin levels are reduced by Carb-X and the body is in the fat-burning zone throughout the day.
Does Carb-X have side effects?
Carb-X works directly in the intestines and is not resorbed into the bloodstream.
As Carb-X neutralizes the enzyme Alpha-Amylase and a large part of the ingested carbohydrates pass the intestines undigested, some people might develop gas. In this case the dose should be reduced to 1 capsule before meals until the intestines become accustomed to it.
None of the human studies showed any side effects. Gas-X can be used without restrictions until you have reached your desired weight. In the long term Gas-X can be a useful tool in holding on to this weight.
Does it make sense to use Carb-X if one already keeps a low-carb diet?
If that is the case, it makes more sense to support weight loss with a fat-burner or replace 1 to 2 meals a day with a ZoneLife Figure Shake or ZoneLife Energy Bar.
As it is not exactly easy to stick to a low-carb diet plan in the long run you should always carry Carb-X with you. That way, any slips in your diet can be compensated and you can intermittently enjoy a carbohydrate-rich meal.