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As an elementary building block of the brain cells, it ensures better concentration and clear thinking.
If you are looking to buy lecithin, you've come to the right place. Here you will find 100% natural lecithin for strong nerves and good memory. Before you buy lecithin granules, capsules, or tablets, you can find out what to consider here.
Lecithin promotes clear thinking and inner peace. Lecithin has become one of the most valuable natural substances in our high-performance society, which is plagued by stress and hectic. If you want to strengthen your nerves and improve your memory, then you have found the elixir of life in lecithin. People who take lecithin regularly are calmer and show strong nerves even in stressful situations.
The name lecithin comes from ancient Greek. In ancient Greece, the name of the substance only meant 'egg yolk'. In fact, the vital substance was obtained from egg yolk for the first time in 1846.
Only later did scientists find out, that it can also be found in many plants and almost all animal organisms. Most lecithin today is made from soybeans. They contain up to 2% of the valuable vital substance.
During digestion, lecithin is released directly to the lining of the stomach and intestines, thereby strengthening the mucous membrane. Due to the reinforced mucous membrane, the stomach and intestines are better protected.
In the stomach, it improves the protection against stomach acid and medication that attack the gastric mucosa. In addition to this, the active ingredient protects the entire body and tissue from harmful substances that can be contained in medication.
In the liver, lecithin can prevent pathological and dangerous changes in the cells. In addition to this, lecithin supports the organism in restoring cells that have already been attacked and damaged.
Lecithin prevents the absorption of cholesterol into the human organism and can thus help lower the cholesterol level. Lecithin is also used as a dietary supplement to treat fat embolisms after accidents or bone fractures.
In the brain, it is essential as a component of cells. Also, lecithin is converted into a substance that is important for the performance of the brain, the so-called acetylcholine. In doing so, it improves the ability to react and the ability to learn.
Lecithin is found in walnuts, eggs, lupins, soy, corn, peas, buttermilk, many plant-based oils and products as well as in almost all animal species. Many bakeries use it as a baking aid when baking bread, as the dough is easier to process, the bread becomes crispy and the baked goods have a longer shelf life.
However, since the different foods differ greatly in their lecithin content, an additional intake in the form of a dietary supplement may seem useful. Soybeans or products made from soy have a particularly high content of lecithin.
Lecithin as a dietary supplement is available in the form of lecithin granules and lecithin capsules in various dosages. Although the substance is found in many foods, it can be difficult to meet the daily needs through food alone. In these cases, it makes sense to additionally take it as a dietary supplement.
Lecithin is considered a safe dietary supplement and has no side effects. If other medications are also taken, this should be done in intervals because it can promote the absorption of the active ingredients in the medication if taken at the same time.
In the case of liver diseases, experts have secured results about the improvement of the symptoms. This is especially true for the symptoms of fatty liver, hepatitis, or cirrhosis of the liver.
The same applies to patients with hyper-cholesterol anemia or other disorders of the lipid metabolism such as obesity, when other therapies have little or no effect or as a supportive measure.