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Soy protein
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Buy Soy Protein - What you should know

If you're looking to buy soy protein, you've come to the right place. Here you will find 100% plant-based soy protein isolate of the highest quality, for vitality, strength and performance. Before you order soy protein powder, you can find out what to consider here.

Soy protein is ideal for people with milk and egg allergies and is also suitable as a meat substitute.

Soy protein provides all the essential amino acids and is the ideal source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Soy protein is obtained from the soy bean and is a 100% plant-based protein. Like meat, it contains all essential amino acids but is free from animal ingredients.

Consumed in sufficient quantities, it increases performance and promotes vitality and well-being. As a dietary supplement, soy protein is particularly suitable for vegetarians, vegans and people with lactose intolerance in order to prevent a protein deficiency.

Since it contains no sugar and cholesterol, soy protein is a useful dietary supplement for strength and performance athletes as well as figure-conscious people who want to reduce their weight and improve their figure.

Soy protein tastes good, is natural and has a wealth of beneficial effects on the body. Soy protein is ideal for a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet.

What is a soy protein?

  • A purely plant-based protein
  • It provides all the essential amino acids
  • It is an ideal source of protein for vegetarians and vegans
  • It is suitable as a substitute for foods containing lactose for people with a lactose intolerance
  • It is free from cholesterol and sugar

Soy protein effect

The most important vital substance in human nutrition is protein, an adequate supply of which all body functions depend on. This contains essential amino acids and is important for a strong immune system as well as for building bones, muscles, skin and hair and the hormonal balance. The brain also needs protein for the ability to concentrate.

A protein deficiency can quickly occur when on a diet, during weight training and competitive sports, or if you do not eat animal products. Soy protein is particularly suitable as an alternative source of protein to animal protein, as it has a biological value of 80. This value describes the efficiency with which the body converts the ingested protein. The more similar the composition of the amino acids between dietary protein and the body's own protein, the more suitable this food is as a substitute.

The consumption of soy protein is not only recommended for people with a milk and egg allergy. Due to their biological value, soy products are also ideal as meat substitutes. The intake of soy protein is also useful for strength and competitive athletes, as it promotes strength and fitness through the optimal supply of amino acids.

When on a diet, the additional intake of soy protein is a good choice in order to prevent a protein deficiency. In addition to this, soy protein has the lowest glycaemic index of all types of protein. The glycaemic index is used to measure the effect of foods containing carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. The rule here is that the higher the glycaemic value is, the more the blood sugar level rises.

If you want to watch your figure or lose weight, you should include more foods with a low glycaemic index in your diet. Soy protein is a good addition to any diet.

Soy protein is recommended:

  • for strength and performance athletes for an optimal supply of amino acids
  • if you have a high cholesterol level
  • as a source of protein for people with a lactose intolerance
  • for vegans or vegetarians
  • as a dietary supplement during a diet in order to lose weight

Which foods contain soy protein?

Soy protein is contained in all soy products such as tofu, soy milk and soy yogurt. It is also available in powder form and can be mixed with water or milk as a protein shake. Soy products are suitable as a snack, as a nutritional supplement and can even be used for cooking.

How does a protein deficiency unfold itself?

Everyone should consume adequate amounts of protein from plant or animal sources. A lack of protein can lead to dull skin, sagging tissue, fatigue and poor concentration, as well as weak muscles and even hair loss.

Therefore, a sufficient protein intake is recommended during a diet, when exercising and for vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. In addition to this, if you consume more protein and fewer fats and carbohydrates, you can successfully lose weight and stay slim in the long term.

Soy protein - Intake and use

Soy protein is contained in all soy products and can also be purchased in tablet form or as an instant powder in various flavours. The latter can be mixed with soy milk, water, or skimmed milk as needed.

Who is soy protein especially important for?

  • Athletes
  • People with a lactose intolerance
  • People with a high cholesterol level
  • People who want to lose weight
  • Vegetarians and vegans

Does soy protein have any side effects or interactions?

The soy protein contains isoflavones - secondary plant substances - which, taken in moderation, protect cells and prevent cancer. Due to the hormone-like effects of isoflavones, pregnant women and young mothers should consult with their doctor before taking them.

Test results from more than 50 independent studies by the US Food and Drug Administration showed that 25g of soy protein per day is the recommended dose for adults.

What experts say about soy protein:

Antje Gahl from the German Nutrition Society refers to the digestive and blood lipid-lowering effects of soy and soy protein.

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