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Moringa Supplements - what you should know!

Moringa is one of the most nutrient dense plants ever discovered, which strengthens the vitality of the body and the mind. It provides more than 90 bioavailable, natural vital nutrients, such as vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, amino acids and an abundance of minerals. Moringa leaf powder is also rich in chlorophyll, flavonoids, polyphenols and has an exceptionally high ORAC value.

Moringa is a remarkable, versatile plant that is relevant to a variety of health issues.

A search for all-natural remedies will lead you to Moringa. True, it is preventative rather than curative, but it has a variety of purposes in a healthy lifestyle. Moringa addresses health issues surrounding weight, skin, digestion, infection, among numerous others.

What is Moringa?

Moringa supplements are made from substances found in the Moringa Oleifera tree. This tree is famous among herbalists because of its long therapeutic tradition and because every inch of it can be used in natural treatments.

The tree grows in tropical climates; it is mainly cultivated in parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Used topically, Moringa salves have antibacterial properties and can mattify skin.

Moringa oil is commercially available as a key ingredient in select fragrances, foods, hair care products, and industrial lubricants. The seed shell can be used in a variety of environmentally friendly yard treatments.

Moringa health benefits

Although Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) was initially discovered thousands of years ago for its beneficial properties, only recently it become known as one of the most impressive herbal supplements.

To date, over 1,300 studies and articles have focused on the manifold benefits of moringa and its healing abilities. About every part of the moringa plant can be used in some way, whether it's to make a potent antioxidant tea or to produce an oily substance that lubricates and nourishes the skin.

Throughout the world, Moringa is used for treating many conditions:

  • treats infection
  • kills bacteria
  • improves immune system
  • stimulates the production of breast milk
  • clears up oily skin
  • provides supplemental vitamins and minerals
  • quells inflammation
  • fights kidney stones
  • helps prevent health problems
  • soothes arthritis
  • mitigates anemia
  • lowers blood pressure
  • alleviates stomach pain
  • heals athlete's foot
  • treats dandruff
  • eliminates warts
  • improves sexual health
  • cures for gingivitis

Moringa - an excellent source of nutrients

The leaves of the Moringa plant are widely used to supplement meals in areas affected by malnutrition due to poverty. However, Moringa is beneficial for everyone.

Moringa complements any diet plan. It provides nutrition without excess calories and saturated fats. Because of its extraordinary vitamin C and vitamin A content, Moringa can be an excellent substitute for higher calorie fruits.

These vitamins support healthy eyes, skin, and bones. Levels of the minerals iron, potassium, and calcium are at par with Moringa's vegetable counterparts, only condensed into one serving. Iron is often recommended as a supplement for young women, and a diet rich in Moringa can provide sufficient iron levels and help prevent anemia.

Beside soy, Moringa is also a good vegan protein source; all of the essential amino acids are found in Moringa leaves. The abundant B vitamins boost metabolism, which can also aid in weight loss.

Moringa - a natural energy booster

Boosting metabolism means boosting energy. The nutritional content of Moringa also lends itself to an active and alert lifestyle. This is great for those who want to be energized at work or keep up their energy during a workout.

The high bio-availability of Moringa allows it to be absorbed quickly by the body, providing instant fuel. Nutritional shots of Moringa contain enough of the plant to provide you with up to 7 hours of increased stamina.

Moringa for the support of a diet

As a weight loss tool, Moringa is most commonly purchased in capsule form. The capsules are taken daily and work in the same way as the leaves.

The nutritional content will replace many of the nutrients lost by eliminating calories from the diet. Taking Moringa creates a healthy balance of hormonal, pH, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. This harmony actually makes it easier to maintain homeostasis, so Moringa can help keep conditions caused by unstable systems under control.

Bitter compounds in Moringa improve digestion and optimize this way the metabolism and fat burning. Furthermore Moringa contains essential amino acids, which are important to help to protect muscle mass during a diet phase.

Moringa and inflammation

In addition to strengthening the immune system, Moringa will treat the symptoms of bacterial diseases. Moringa powder is ideal to cleanse and purge the body of harmful bacteria, which are responsible for a large range of infections.

Inflammation is the result of the immune system's instinctual reaction to remove the source of disease. Anti-inflammatory compounds such as oleic-acid, cysteine, and chlorophyll found in Moringa will eradicate the bacteria without uncomfortable and visible redness and swelling.

Who may benefit from taking a Moringa supplement?

  • Persons with skin disorders and troubled skin
  • Cancer patients
  • Persons with stomach and digestive issues
  • Persons with infections
  • Anyone who wants a diet dense in nutrients

Does Moringa have any side effects?

Moringa is a natural food which is suitable for people of all ages. As well as for children, seniors, adolescents and also pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Note that though Moringa is proven to increase lactation, the effects on the baby during breastfeeding are not yet sufficiently researched.

Moringa dosage and recommendations

You can take up to 6 gram Moringa powder daily over an unlimited period of time. The dosage should be slowly raised, because too much Moringa will have the same effect as a laxative. Nausea is also a sign that you should take a lower dose.

Why take Moringa capsules?

  • prevent and treat a variety of bacterial diseases
  • enjoy a natural and complete alternative to synthetic supplements
  • cleanse your body
  • increase your quality of life

Other names of Moringa

Drumstick tree, Horseradish tree, Mother's Best Friend, Radish tree, West Indian ben

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Parts of the plant of the Moringa tree, which is particularly widespread in South Asia and Africa, have been used as food and medicine for thousands of years. The high content of nutrients and a proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect make Moringa an important part of the diet and naturopathic treatment of diseases in Asia, Latin America and Africa. In recent years, Moringa has become increasingly popular as a healthy 'superfood' in Europe.

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